Should You Repaint Your Garage Door?

Old garage door

Even though you might have a garage door that is on the older side, it still seems to be working quite well. It is not too noisy, and it is reliable. Typically, the garage door is going to be made from metal, although it could also be made from wood. Even though it works well, you might find that it no longer has the nice appearance that it once did. You might be wondering whether you should repaint the door again, or if you should get an entirely new system for the door.

Here are a few of the things that you will want to consider when you are making the decision.

The Age of Your Garage Door

Regardless of the material your door is made from, the age is going to play a factor in whether you should replace it nor not. If the door is old, it is not about the appearance, but rather the safety factor. If you find that the hardware system is as old as the door is, and you can see that parts are rusted, you really do need to think about replacing the entire system. For the added safety and convenience, it is going to be well worth the cost.

Wooden doors are often going to become heavier over time because they are going to absorb moisture. Those who have garage doors that are sandwiched, which means they have two thin wooden surfaces on the outside, then the inner layer is often mineral wool insulation. This is also going to absorb a lot of water. In some cases, it might have a polystyrene panel. These can also collect moisture, but not as much as the others.

How Long Will It Take?

Even though it might be a relatively simple and straightforward job to repaint the garage door, it is still going to take time. You want to be sure that the paint you are using matches either the original color, or the current color palette for the outside of your home. This will help to ensure that it fits in well with your home.

You need to make sure that you have plenty of time to take care of the training, and that you have time to allow it to dry. This means finding a time when the weather is going to cooperate with you. Consider how long it will take to dry based on the temperature and the humidity levels. Ideally, it will be between 60℉ and 75℉ (15℃ and 25℃). You never want to paint when it is raining, or when it is in full sun.

If you have any rust on the door, or if you are going to completely change the color, you are going to need to prepare the surface. You will also need to have a coat of primer before adding the final coat.

All of this takes time, and it could be time that you do not have. In that case, you are going to want to hire a professional who can handle the painting for you.

What Is the Cost of a New Door?

Of course, you might find that it is just going to be easier to replace then entire door. The cost might be less than you imagined, especially if you have a garage door opener that still works well and you just need to replace the door. In fact, for a single door, it cost around $1000.

How to Proceed

If you want to know more, you will want to get in touch and contact us. We are professionals that know all there is to know about these garage door systems. We can let you know about your options, and we will keep your budget in mind when we are helping you. If you would like, we can even send you a quotation by email.

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