Garage Flooring: Learn Your Options

best option for garage flooring

Have you ever entered a garage with a clean and appealing floor? You might have wondered how they did it because most garage floors show a lot of wear, tear and staining. From the oil spills and tire tracks, the mud and dirt, the gear and toys…the garage floor can take a lot of abuse.

In fact, it can take so much that we might not even think of garage flooring past the concrete foundation. Yet, there are garage flooring options ideal for any space. Let’s consider some factors key to choosing the right ones and then look at your options.

The factors that you must consider when you begin thinking about garage flooring include the level of protection you desire, the look or style of the flooring you prefer, the durability needed and provided by a floor, and the amount you can spend on the project.

You must also consider the condition of the concrete base or foundation on which any flooring is bonded or placed. Repairs have to be made (if possible) and even a sealant may be part of the project.

Option #1 – Paint

Did you consider paint? It is among the most affordable ways to update the garage floor. You can use a simple, low-odour, latex-based paint designed specifically for concrete flooring.

The downside to this fast and low-cost option is that it is easily stained by oil and gas. If there are any drips or spills, prompt cleanup is mandatory. This treatment will usually have a two to three-year lifespan before needing to be repeated.

using paint on garage floor

A longer lasting alternative may be acrylic paints or stains. There is some need for advanced preparations, and perhaps a sealant, but they can last longer while offering the same ease.

Epoxy paints are another option, and currently ranks as one of the most popular choices of them all. This is a simple DIY project, but you can also hire professionals to ensure the best results. Far more resistant to stains or damages than paint, it repels oil and water. It can be entirely customized with flakes or chips, creating a good looking and low maintenance floor that is easy to clean.

Option #2 – Rubber, Vinyl Composition or Porcelain Tiles

Varying in design and price, they are a nice option for garage flooring. They are also the most durable, easiest to maintain, and give you a truly designer look to the inside of the garage. Options in this sort of garage flooring include:

  • Snap-together tiles – With a huge range of colours, styles and shapes, these are crafted of durable and flexible rubber. You can even custom design them! They are easily cleaned with sweeping or vacuuming. You can also find them in rolled styles that cover a specific space with the same good looks and performance.
  • Vinyl composition tiles – You see these in many commercial spaces (think grocery stores and big box stores). They are one square foot in size and a rugged 1⁄8″ in thickness. You will find them mostly in a glossier finish and this allows them to be nearly stain-proof.
  • Porcelain tiles – One of the most durable options for garage flooring, they are made to be more rugged than ceramic tiles. They can be a DIY project or professionally done, and are installed exactly as any other form of tile flooring.

No matter what your goals, budget or style, these options will easily provide you with some good answers. Not only does it upgrade the looks of the garage but it also adds value. It’s best to speak with an expert in garage flooring, and discover the ideal solutions for your specific space and market.

best option rubber
best option vinyl

Upgrade the Door, Too!

As you prepare to improve the floors it could be a good time to improve the garage door. Perhaps yours might benefit from fine‑tuning or even replacement. If so, contact us at 330-889-0062.

We’re happy to send an email quote, pay a visit to help you determine the right doors for your needs, and even make some suggestions. You can also go online and visit our Design Centre to test some looks, and take some inspiration from our photo gallery.

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